
Developer API


The SERP Cloud API facilitates the user to access and control the data (Categories, Keywords, Projects, SEO stats and Social stats) based on URL commands. All the URL commands will return the data in JSON format.

For Successful integration of SERP Cloud API, authorization key is needed which will be provided to the user after registration. You can register here


This call to API will fetch all the categories.

Parameter Value Description
action getcategories Command to API
auth key For user authentication
Example Link
URL serpcloud.com/serp/api/?action=getcategories&auth=key


This call to API will fetch keywords for the specified category.

Parameter Value Description
action getkeywords Command to API
auth key For user authentication
cid CATEGORY ID Specify the category id you want to add this keyword to.
Example Link
URL serpcloud.com/serp/api/?action=getkeyword&auth=key&cid=id


This call to API will add a new category.

Parameter Value Description
action addcategory Command to API
auth key For user authentication
name Text (CATEGORY NAME) Specify the new category name you want to add.
Example Link
URL serpcloud.com/serp/api/?action=getkeyword&auth=key&name=name


This call to API will edit name of specified category.

Parameter Value Description
action editcategory Command to API
auth key For user authentication
name Text (CATEGORY NAME) This parameter will allow you to enter new name of specified category
cid CATEGORY KEY Specify the category id to change its name given with in name parameter
Example Link
URL serpcloud.com/serp/api/?action=editcategory&auth=key&name=name&cid=id


This call to API will delete the specified category.

Parameter Value Description
action deletecategory Command to API
auth key For user authentication
cid CATEGORY KEY Specify the category id which you want to delete
Example Link
URL serpcloud.com/serp/api/?action=deletecategory&auth=key&cid=id


This call to API will fetch the data from specified category.

Parameter Value Description
action getcategory Command to API
auth key For user authentication
cid CATEGORY KEY Specify the category id to retrieve its record.
Example Link
URL serpcloud.com/serp/api/?action=getcategory&auth=key&cid=id


This call to API will allow you to add project on the specified category.

Parameter Value Description
action addproject Command to API
auth key For user authentication
cid CATEGORY KEY Specify the category id to which you want to add the project.
pname Text (PROJECT NAME) This parameter is the name of the project to be added.
url project url Enter the URL of your project that you want to connect. Make sure to enter the valid URL.
gr e.g (com.au or com.pk or co.uk etc) Mention the google region of your project.
track_type 0 or 1 or 2 Set this to 1 for rankings in youtube, 0 for rankings in Search Engine and 2 for ranking Google Mobile Search Engine.
keywords e.g (education, information, etc) Keywords must be comma separated if more than one.
language e.g ("ar" or "en" or "en-gb" or "ur" or "de" or "zh" etc) Lanauge must be valid default language value is "en" (English)
Example Link
URL serpcloud.com/serp/api/?action=addproject&auth=key&cid=id&pname=name&url=serpcloud.com&gr=.pk&track_type=0&keywords=education&language=en


This call to API will fetch details of all the projects from specified category.

Parameter Value Description
action getprojects Command to API
auth key For user authentication
cid CATEGORY KEY Specify the category id to retrieve the details of projects added to this category.
Example Link
URL serpcloud.com/serp/api/?action=getprojects&auth=key&cid=id


This call to API will fetch details of all the projects from specified category.

Parameter Value Description
action getprojectdetails Command to API
auth key For user authentication
pid PROJECT KEY Enter the project id to retrieve the details of specified project.
Example Link
URL serpcloud.com/serp/api/?action=getprojectdetails&auth=key&pid=id


This call to API will delete the specified project.

Parameter Value Description
action deleteproject Command to API
auth key For user authentication
pid PROJECT KEY Specify the project id which you want to delete.
Example Link
URL serpcloud.com/serp/api/?action=deleteproject&auth=key&pid=id


This call to API will edit the name of the project.

Parameter Value Description
action editproject Command to API
auth key For user authentication
name Text (PROJECT NAME) This parameter tells the API to change the name of the project with this name.
pid PROJECT KEY Specify the project id to edit its name.
Example Link
URL serpcloud.com/serp/api/?action=editproject&auth=key&pid=id&name=projectname


This call to API will allow to add keyword to the project.

Parameter Value Description
action addkeyword Command to API
auth key For user authentication
name Text (KEYWORD) Enter keyword which you want to add to project.
pid PROJECT KEY Specify the project id to add keyword to it.
url URL Specify the Url to add keyword to it.
Example Link
URL serpcloud.com/serp/api/?action=addkeyword&auth=key&pid=id&name=keyword&url=serpcloud.com


This call to API will allow you to delete keyword.

Parameter Value Description
action deletekeyword Command to API
auth key For user authentication
kid KEYWORD KEY Specify the keyword id to delete it.
Example Link
URL serpcloud.com/serp/api/?action=deletekeyword&auth=key&kid=id


This call to API will fetch the SEO stats of the specified project.

Parameter Value Description
action getseostats Command to API
auth key For user authentication
kid KEYWORD KEY Specify the keyword id to get its SEO details.
Example Link
URL serpcloud.com/serp/api/?action=getseostats&auth=key&kid=id


This call to API will fetch all the Social stats of the specified project.

Parameter Value Description
action getsocialstats Command to API
auth key For user authentication
kid KEYWORD KEY Specify the keyword id to get its Socail stats details.
Example Link
URL serpcloud.com/serp/api/?action=getsocialstats&auth=key&kid=id

GET Notifications

This call to API will fetch the Notifications of the specified project.

Parameter Value Description
action getnotification Command to API
auth key For user authentication
Example Link
URL serpcloud.com/serp/api/?action=getnotification&auth=key

CHECK Account Status

This call to API will fetch the Notifications of the specified project.

Parameter Value Description
action checkaccountstatus Command to API
auth key For user authentication
Example Link
URL http://serpcloud.com/serp/api/?action=checkaccountstatus&auth=key

GET Keywords Rankings data with Time interval settings

This call to API will fetch all the Keywords rankings data with time interval of the specified keywords IDs.

Parameter Value Description
action getkeywordgraph Command to API
auth key For user authentication
kid KEYWORD KEY Specify the keyword id to get its ranking data.
interval Interval Time To specify days of interval you want data for it can be 30,40,50,90 Days by default 30 days.
Example Link
URL serpcloud.com/serp/api/?auth=key?action=getkeywordgraph&kid=KWID&interval=DAYS

We also offer customized plans (if you need more keywords, websites)